ACSA Endorsements

2018 Endorsements

The Association of California School Administrators is proud to endorse candidates running for California State Assembly, California State Senate and California constitutional offices.

All ACSA endorsements are approved by a majority of the ACSA Board of Directors. All ACSA California State Assembly and Senate endorsement recommendations are made, to the Board for approval, by regional Vice Presidents of Legislative Action, with support from the ACSA Governmental Relations and Policy staff. All ACSA California constitutional officer endorsement recommendations are made, to the Board for approval, by a subset of the Board of Directors, made up of volunteers, who conduct and participate in interviews of the candidates running for the offices of California Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Controller and Superintendent of Public Instruction.

The following list includes, but is not limited to, elected or appointed positions the Association of California School Administrators does NOT currently participate in:

» California Insurance Commissioner
» California Board of Equalization
» City Auditors
» City Councils
» County Assessors
» County Recorder/Clerks
» County Sheriffs
» County Superintendents
» County Supervisors
» County Water Districts
» District Attorneys
» School Boards of Education

» State Central Committees

CA Legislative Endorsements

CA Legislative Endorsements

CA Assembly Endorsements

DISTRICT CANDIDATE (Party Preference - Incumbent) ACSA REGION
AD 1 Brian Dahle (R - Inc.) 1
AD 2 Jim Wood (R - Inc.) 1
AD 3 James Gallaher (R- Inc.) 2
AD 4 Cecilia Aguilar-Curry (D - Inc.) 4
AD 6 James Gallagher (R - Inc.) 2
AD 7 Kevin McCarty (D - Inc.) 3
AD 8 Ken Cooley (D - Inc.) 3
AD 9 Jim Cooper (D - Inc.) 3
AD 11 Jim Frazier (D - Inc.) 4
AD 13 Susan Talamantes Eggman (D - Inc.) 7
AD 14 Tim Grayson (D - Inc.) 6
AD 15 Buffy Wicks (D) 6
AD 16 Catharine Baker (R - Inc.) 6
AD 17 David Chiu (D - Inc.) 5
AD 18 Rob Bonta (D - Inc.) 6
AD 19 Phil Ting (D - Inc.) 5
AD 20 Bill Quirk (D - Inc.) 6
AD 21 Adam Gray (D - Inc.) 9
AD 22 Kevin Mullin (D - Inc.) 5
AD 24 Marc Berman (D - Inc.) 8
AD 25 Kansen Chu (D - Inc.) 8
AD 26 Devon Mathis (R - Inc.) 11
AD 29 Mark Stone (D - Inc.) 10
AD 30 Robert Rivas (D) 10
AD 31 Joaquin Arambula (D - Inc.) 9
AD 34 Vince Fong (R - Inc.) 11
AD 37 Monique Limon (D - Inc.) 13
AD 38 Christy Smith (D) 15
AD 39 Luz Rivas (D) 15
AD 41 Chris Holden (D - Inc.) 15
AD 42 Chad Mayes (R - Inc.) 19
AD 43 Laura Friedman (D - Inc.) 15
AD 44 Jaqui Irwin (D - Inc.) 13
AD 46 Adrin Nazarian (D - Inc.) 16
AD 48 Blanca Rubio (D - Inc.) 15
AD 50 Richard Bloom (D - Inc.) 16
AD 52 Freddie Rodriguez (D - Inc.) 12
AD 56 Edwardo Garcia (D - Inc.) 18
AD 57 Ian Calderon (D - Inc.) 15
AD 59 Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D - Inc.) 16
AD 60 Sabrina Cervantes (D - Inc.) 19
AD 63 Anthony Rendon (D - Inc.) 14
AD 64 Mike Gipson (D - Inc.) 16
AD 65 Sharon Quirk-Silva (D - Inc.) 17
AD 66 Al Muratsuchi (D - Inc.) 14
AD 70 Patrick O'Donnell (D - Inc.) 14
AD 76 Tasha Boerner Horvath (D) 18
AD 78 Todd Gloria (D - Inc.) 18
AD 79 Dr. Shirley Weber (D - Inc.) 18
AD 80 Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher (D - Inc.) 18

CA Senate Endorsements

DISTRICT CANDIDATE (Party Preference - Incumbent) ACSA REGION
SD 2Mike McGuire (D - Inc.)*4
SD 4Jim Nielsen (R - Inc.)2
SD 6Dr. Richard Pan (D - Inc.)3
SD 10Bob Wieckowski (D - Inc.)8
SD 12Anna Caballero (D)9
SD 14Andy Vidak (R - Inc.)9/11
SD 20Connie Leyva (D - Inc.)12
SD 22Susan Rubio (D)15
SD 24Maria Elena Durazo (D)16
SD 26Ben Allen (D - Inc.)14
SD 30Holly Mitchell (D - Inc.)16
SD 32Bob Archuleta (D)32
SD 36Pat Bates (R - Inc.)18
SD 40Ben Hueso (D - Inc.)18

2018 Endorsements