Professional Legal Assistance

Legal support is a members only benefit.

Not a member?


"ACSA's support did more than alleviate the expenses related to my separation from the district, it gave me a feeling of moral support and collegiality at a time when I was feeling quite alone and a bit awkward. I can’t imagine going through a dissolution of contract without the support of the collective experience and resources of a group such as ACSA.”

– ACSA member

Member Assistance and Legal Support Team

Professional Advice

Regular ACSA membership gives you access to trained and experienced Member Assistance Advocates to protect your due process rights. Our advocates have a proven track record in resolving work-related concerns before they become a lawsuit. Call 800.608.ACSA for assistance.

Types of Problems

Our Advocates are available to assist members of ACSA with problems concerning, but not limited to:

  • Breach of employment contract
  • Contract review
  • Tenure rights
  • Credential problems
  • Dismissal
  • Demotion
  • Salary policy disputes
  • Suspension
  • Retirement

We do not assist members with criminal charges or civil actions.

Direct Legal Assistance

If necessary our Advocates will authorize two hours of direct legal assistance with one of ACSA's panel attorneys at no cost to you. Our lawyers are experienced in school law and can help determine if further legal action or litigation is necessary. If that's not enough, ACSA can provide:

  • $1,000 in additional legal assistance to members based on a 60%/40% split.
  • Up to $4,000 in protracted legal assistance for cases in litigation, which is also based on a 60%/40% split.
  • Free professional liability insurance in excess of your mandated district coverage.

Eligibility for Legal Assistance

A person requesting legal assistance must have been a regular member in good standing for six months at the time his/her problem arose. Retired members are eligible for legal assistance only if the matter occurred while they were a regular member. You must be an ACSA member to receive this benefit.

Professional Legal Support