Legislative Action Day

April 7 - 8, 2019 | Sheraton Grand Sacramento & California State Capitol
Legislative Action Day brings ACSA members together in Sacramento for a two-day advocacy event. ACSA staff, along with experts in the field, provide members with briefings and guidance on current issues in education, offering members the tools and opportunity to directly lobby the Legislature. For two days our dedicated members carry messages of leadership, equity, support and investment in the students and educators of California.

For review of the 2018 LAD events, view the LAD 2018 video or follow @ACSA_GR and @ACSA_Info on Twitter and use #ACSAadvocates to view the 2018 posting.

More detailed information available in February 2019.

About this event

Each year, approximately 400 education leaders throughout the state bring their regional teams to Sacramento to advocate for California’s 6.2 million students.

The event begins on Sunday afternoon, as ACSA’s Governmental Relations team provides ACSA members with detailed briefings and guidance on the issues at stake. Tips on effective advocacy are provided by experts in the field such as Kevin Gordon, president of Capitol Advisors, and his partner, former Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell.

Monday morning begins with breakfast and words of encouragement before our education leaders converge on the Capitol to meet with their local legislators.

Monday morning’s program also includes the presentation of ACSA’s Friend of Education Award. This award recognizes state and federal level elected or appointed officials who demonstrate leadership on behalf of public education through legislative contributions, political efforts or a significant commitment. Nominations are collected from ACSA leadership and committee and council members. In their acceptance speeches, the winners often provide valuable advice to members for discussing issues with their elected leaders.

ACSA provides a hospitality tent on the Capitol steps for members' use in between meetings, offering additional informational materials and refreshments throughout the day. We round out the event with a cocktail reception in the Capitol Basement Rotunda on Monday, providing a final networking opportunity for our members and legislators who are able to join us. Members get an opportunity to unwind, mingle and share their experiences from the day.

If you are interested in attending the 2019 Legislative Action Day, please contact your region VPLA by March 1.

Legislative Action Day