

Leadership Institute Preliminary Administrative Credential Program

(Includes a master’s degree option.) ACSA partners with the Sacramento County Office of Education’s Leadership Institute to offer aspiring teacher leaders the opportunity to earn a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. This program is designed to empower and build the capacity of leaders to improve teaching and learning for all students.

Candidates will engage in six courses over the 12-month program, offering both face-to-face instruction, as well as online learning, guided fieldwork and an end-of-program project. The institute courses are taught by seasoned local and regional school administrators who have first-hand experience and expertise in both the content and region. By completing four additional classes the following year, candidates may apply the work from the Leadership Institute credential courses to obtain a master's degree.

Clear Administrative Credential Program

ACSA’s innovative induction program and services for administrators seeking to clear their ASC are considered the gold standard throughout the state. The induction program design and implementation provides support and guidance grounded in the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL) in the three designated areas, chronicled in the Individual Induction Plan: coaching, professional development and assessment.

The program provides individualized, one-on-one, job-embedded coaching over the course of the two-year program. Candidates enroll within one year of starting an initial administrative position, with coaching services starting within 30 days of program enrollment.


Preliminary Administrative Credential Program

Leadership Institute Preliminary Administrative Credential Program

with Master's degree option

ACSA, in partnership with the Sacramento County Office of Education’s Leadership Institute, offers aspiring teacher leaders the opportunity to earn a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. This program is designed to empower and build the capacity of leaders to improve teaching and learning for all students.

Candidates will engage in six courses over the 12-month program which offers both face-to-face instruction as well as online learning, guided fieldwork and an end-of-program project. Institute courses are taught by local and regional school administrators who are experienced and have first hand experience and expertise in both the content and region. By completing four additional classes the following year, candidates may apply the work from the Leadership Institute credential courses to obtain a Master's Degree.

Upon program completion, a recommendation will be made to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for a Certificate of Eligibility or Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (if candidate has already accepted an offer of administrative employment at end of program).

Program begins in San Bernardino County September 2018.

Program Application

To apply for the Preliminary Administrative Credential Program, please download the application (available March 2018) and submit to Dr. Michael Roe at mroe(at) by May 15, 2018.

Download the flier.

For more information, contact Dr. Michael Roe.

Clear Administrative Credential Program

Clear Administrative Credential Program

ACSA’s Clear Administrative Credential Program (CACP) is the largest provider of coaching, professional development and assessment for attaining the Clear Administrative Services Credential. Our program is grounded in the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL) and a trained leadership coach supports and guides candidates with individualized, one-on-one, job embedded coaching to support the work of a new administrator over the course of the two-year program.

New administrators must enroll in a Clear Administrative Credential Program to obtain a Clear Administrative Services Credential. ACSA has served 985 new administrators throughout ACSA’s 19 regions as we partner with 21 local programs throughout the state. Local program coordinators provide advisement; enrollment forms an online application and specific information unique to each local program.

Clear Administrative Credential Candidates benefit from the following program components:

Program Requirements Program Benefits
  • 40 hours individualized, on-site leadership coaching
  • 20 hours of individualized Professional Development
  • Actively employed in an administrative services position
  • Highly trained, skilled, and successful Certified Leadership
  • Cohort-based collaboration with new administrators throughout California
  • Collaborative and supportive system for developing an induction plan and action

Program Application and Enrollment Dates:

  • Fall Cohort: April through September
  • Winter Cohort: November through January

How to Apply for the Clear Administrative Credentialing Program:

1) Advisement: Contact one of our 21 Local Programs.

2) Complete Documentation: Complete and submit two essential forms to the Local Program Coordinator in your selected area:

  1. Verification of Administrative Employment
  2. Candidate Commitment Form

Next Steps After Document Submission to Local Program Coordinator:

3) Verification and Program Acceptance: ACSA verifies the eligibility of the candidate's administrative position. ACSA credential office will notify the candidate of program acceptance via email.

4) Payment of Program Fees and Registration:

Payment of Program Fees: The overall program cost is in two parts. Part one is the ACSA Program Fees and part two is the Local Program Coaching Fees.

  1. ACSA Program Fees are $1,000 each year of the two-year program. A total of $2,000 per candidate is the established ACSA Program Fee. These fees are paid directly to ACSA.
  2. Local Program Coaching Fees are determined by each local program and range from $2,500 to $4,800 for each year of the two-year program. These fees are paid to the local program office.

Registration: ACSA will provide accepted program candidates with access to ACSA's online learning management system which supports both the leadership coaching staff and committed candidates throughout their professional development in the two-year program.

5) Assignment of Leadership Coach to Candidate: Candidates are matched with a trained leadership coach who has a thorough professional and educational tenure which aligns with the administrative position of the candidate.

Nondiscrimination: No candidate will be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familiar status, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy or pregnancy related condition in its employment practices. This policy of affording equal candidate access to all persons is in keeping with provisions of state and federal laws and regulations.

Learn More

Download the CACP flier, find your Local Program Coordinator, or contact Tracy Robinson in ACSA's Educational Services Department for more information.
