ACSA Mentor Program

Make membership work for you and get a mentor!

What you need to know about ACSA’s Mentor Program:

  • It's free to ACSA members. Not a member? Join here.
  • ACSA members in their first or second year in any new administrative position are eligible to receive a skilled and experienced mentor.
  • The mentor/protege relationship is confidential.
  • You and your mentor will work together to establish the frequency and style of your meetings to suit your professional needs.
  • The ACSA mentoring program is not a coaching model and does not lead to clearing one’s credential. It is a service to help build a professional relationship between a new leader and an experienced mentor, providing practical support, collegiality and collaboration in an effort to hone one’s leadership skills.

Are you ready to get started? Fill out the online form below and let us find the best mentor match for you.

See a list of mentor facilitators in the latest Mentor Program update.

“I would definitely recommend the mentor program to my colleagues. It has been an enormous benefit of being an ACSA member.”

− Mentor Program participant

Mentor Program