ACSA Regions
Region Map
ACSA Regions 1-19
ACSA's 19 regions divide the state geographically, allowing the voices of members to be heard at the local level. Each region elects officers who serve as representatives on the state Leadership Assembly.
Regions offer networking opportunities, professional development and programs tailored to meet local needs.
Within each region are smaller charters, which give ACSA its grassroots strength. Charters can be geographical in nature or focus on specific membership types, such as aspiring administrators or retirees
For a complete listing of all ACSA leadership, login to view the current Leadership Directory.
Learn more about ACSA.

Click on a region to link to the region website, or select from the dropdown below.
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With questions or for more information about ACSA regions, contact Member Services.
Region & Charter Events
Region & Charter Events
Click the small arrow at the top right corner of the event list to view only your region's calendar.
Not seeing your region's events? Contact your region leadership to let them know.
Region Staff
Region Staff Directory
Region 1
Kenny Richards, Ed.D.
(707) 826-5886
Cell (707) 498-2791
Region 2
Judy Bennett
(530) 282-5331
Fax (530) 534-5006
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6
Region 7
Mary Ann Sanders
(209) 523-2353
Fax (209) 545-0596
Region 8
Patricia Einfalt
(650) 493-6105
Cell (650) 776-3060
Fax (650) 858-1575