Power Dynamics and School Culture

School culture is at the heart of school success. Power dynamics can either make or break that culture. Recognizing the debilitating role that power struggles can play in a school is essential as is the school leader's ability to increase their team's capacity to avoid power struggles.

This full day workshop experience is geared toward helping school leaders identify how power struggles are manifested in a school, and lead the learning to eliminate them through effective professional learning for school staff and deliberate growth activities with students. Part one of the day is facilitated by author and speaker, Janice Case. Part two of the day is an experience designed to support participants in leading the learning.

Outcomes (what you will learn):

  • Assessing our current capacity to promote a positive school culture.
  • Identifying and understanding the role of power struggles in schools.
  • Identifying and understanding the key characteristics of effective professional learning.
  • Building our capacity to support staff and students when power struggles occur.

Suggested Audience: School leaders at all levels, including aspiring administrators, assistant principals, principals, and district staff.

Dates & Locations

New dates coming soon.

Workshop Times:
8:00-8:30 a.m. registration/check in
8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. workshop

Event Registration

Registration Fee:
ACSA Member: $199
Non-member: $249

Register Online

For more information, download the workshop flyer or contact Rhonda Morgan, (800) 608-ACSA.

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Power Dynamics and School Culture