Having Hard Conversations, Parts 1 & 2

Having Hard Conversations, Part 1

As administrators, coaches or teacher leaders, we often come up against situations where difficult topics must be addressed. What do we know about the best strategies for those moments? What questions should we be asking ourselves before we speak up and what words shall we use so the conversation can be as humane and growth producing as possible?

Having Hard Conversations Part 1 is an interactive workshop and personal approach to mastering the art of challenging conversations. The strategies in the workshop address a wide range of situations, including communications with supervisees, peers, and supervisors. The workshop helps educators at all levels speak with clarity and courage to directly address difficult situations within their schools.

Having Hard Conversations Part 2

Continuing the learning in Having Hard Conversations Part 1, Having Hard Conversations Part 2 is an extension and deepening of the work of cultivating conflict competence. The workshop revisits the key elements of Having Hard Conversations Part 1, such as the working with individual case studies, outcome mapping and the use of scripting protocols, and goes deeper into how to keep conflict at a cognitive level, how to analyze possible covert influences in play during a hard conversation, how to respond productively when conflict escalates, plus other strategies and tips for being more confident and empowered when facing challenging situations.

Schedule a Training

Would you like to host aHaving Hard Conversations, Parts 1 or 2, training in your school district or region? ACSA welcomes the opportunity to schedule this training based upon demand and commitment for an approximate minimum of 25 participants per training.

Please contact Mary Gomes to inquire.

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Having Hard Conversations, Parts 1 & 2