Building a Successful Attendance Plan: A Practitioner's Approach

There is a strong connection between student attendance and achievement—when students are not in school, whether for excused or unexcused absences, they lose out on the opportunity to learn. As such, chronic absenteeism must be addressed through the Local Control and Accountability Plan, and has been identified as an indicator for school success in the new accountability system that replaced the Academic Performance Index. This workshop will provide day-to-day practical strategies and best practices in which school personnel can build a successful attendance improvement plan through a multi-tiered systems of support.

What You Will Learn:

  • The reasons behind the increased focus on attendance at both the federal and state levels
  • How to collect and analyze multiple measures of attendance
  • How chronic absenteeism can be addressed through the LCAP
  • Why it is important to develop and implement a multi-tiered systems of support for attendance (prevention, early identification and intervention)
  • Strategies and best practices related to attendance improvement
  • Elements of a successful attendance improvement plan

Suggested Audience: District administrators, principals, assistant principals, aspiring administrators, classified management. (It is highly recommended that schools bring a team to the training that includes an administrator, school counselor and/or social worker, teacher, attendance clerk.)

Dates & Locations

Riverside COE: Jan 15, 2019
3958 12th Street, Boardroom
Riverside, CA 92502

Yolo COE: March 7, 2019
1280 Santa Anita Ct., Davis Rm #45,
Woodland, CA 95776

Santa Clara COE: March 22, 2019
1290 Ridder Park Dr., Gilroy Room
San Jose, CA 95131

Workshop Times:
8:00 – 8:30 a.m. registration/check in
8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. workshop

Event Registration

Registration Fee: $99

Register Online

For more information, download the workshop flier or email Rhonda Morgan, Program Coordinator or call (800) 608-ACSA.

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Building a Successful Attendance Plan: A Practitioner's Approach