ACSA's Education Legal Support Fund

ACSA’s involvement in legal and state constitutional matters has increased significantly. In recent years, ACSA has been involved in numerous lawsuits impacting school districts and county offices statewide. These legal actions have included:

  • Filing the education funding lawsuit to declare it is unconstitutional
  • Protecting the integrity of Proposition 98 and public education funding
  • Mayoral takeovers of local school districts
  • Repayment of STRS funds “borrowed” by the state
  • Eighth grade algebra mandate
  • Definition of a statewide benefit charter school
  • Vergara
  • Robles-Wong

As California’s governance and political systems become increasingly entrenched, actions by our state’s policy makers often result in poorly drafted and ill-conceived initiatives. No matter what the cause, seeking litigation to protect the interests and integrity of public education has become a necessary interest of ACSA and its members. As a result of this, as well as increased requests from members and local education agencies, ACSA created the Education Legal Support Fund (ELSF) in 2006.

Questions? Please contact Christy Sinclair at csinclair(at) or (916) 444-3216.

Annual Legal Support Fund Dues Structure

Bronze ............................................................ $2,000

Silver ............................................................... $5,000

Gold ............................................................... $10,000

OR the amount of your choice!

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Education Legal Support Fund

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Legal Support Fund