Teacher Probationary Period Extension

April 27, 2017

ACSA is pleased to let you know that AB 1220 (Weber) successfully passed out of the Assembly Education Committee on Wednesday, April 26. AB 1220 extends the probationary period for new teachers beyond the current two years (18 month) deadline. You may recall that AB 1220 was one of the issues ACSA members advocated for during our annual Legislative Action Day.

This passage of the bill out of the Assembly Education Committee is historic since this is the first time this issue has passed out of this Committee. The fight to extend the probationary period will continue and it is unknown how far we will be able to push the bill this year. But we are pleased with the current success.

AB 1220 will be heard next in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. We will continue to reach out to our membership for assistance as the bill moves forward.

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Teacher Probationary Period Extension