State Board of Education Seeks Public Comment
on Draft ESSA State Plan by June 30th

June 16, 2017

The CDE is seeking input from the public, including school administrators, on its draft of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan. CDE’s Public Comment Toolkit Webpage,, includes the entire draft of the ESSA State Plan split into sections, videos that summarize each plan section, and a public comment survey to gather feedback on the draft plan. The toolkit also contains a facilitator guide for groups that want to host their own local stakeholder events on the plan. Comments, questions, recommendations, or other correspondence concerning California’s ESSA State Plan can be submitted to the CDE by e-mail at ESSA(at) The public comment period runs from May 22 to June 30, and all interested members of the public are encouraged to submit input. Several major policy decisions the State Board of Education will need to decide includes how to identify the state’s lowest five percent of schools, how to leverage the federal Title II set-aside for supporting principals and school leaders, and how the state will define “ineffective teachers” for purposes of collecting and reporting statewide data on the disproportionate share of students taught by ineffective, out-of-field or inexperienced teachers. If you wish to join ACSA at the SBE meeting to provide public testimony on July 11th, or have input to share with ACSA, contact Martha Alvarez at malvarez(at)

State Board of Education Seeks Public Comment on Draft ESSA State Plan by June 30th