Revised ESSA State Plan Released for Last Public Comment

August 16, 2017

On August 11, the CDE released a document in tracked changes format that shows the revisions made to the May 2017 draft of the ESSA State Plan that shows exactly how the State Plan has changed based on stakeholder input and direction from the SBE. As a reminder, CDE plans to present the revised ESSA State Plan to the SBE for final approval at its September 2017 meeting before submitting it to the U.S. Department of Education on September 18, 2017. Stakeholders are encouraged to send feedback on the revised State Plan to the CDE by e-mail at ESSA(at) by August 25. Public comment can also be provided directly to the SBE on this revised draft once the September SBE meeting agenda is available.

The next State Board of Education meeting is Wednesday, September 13, where the SBE will take up various accountability items, proposed changes to the Dashboard and state indicators, as well as adopt the ESSA State Plan. If any of you would like to attend to speak on behalf of ACSA, or would like to provide feedback on the revised ESSA State Plan, please contact ACSA Legislative Advocate Martha Alvarez.

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Revised ESSA State Plan Released for Last Public Comment