Helpful Information Regarding Mandatory Employee Orientations

June 29, 2017

By now you are most likely aware that the Governor signed AB 119 into law requiring public employers to provide our new employees an orientation including participation by our local exclusive representatives. The new law is the result of several years of negotiations, opposition by ACSA members, and a new lawsuit heading to the U.S. Supreme Court challenging mandatory union dues. While this is an unnecessary law that prioritizes the interests of labor groups, your advocacy was instrumental in improving the final bill and eliminating overly prescriptive requirements that would have jeopardized student learning, student safety, and district solvency.

In order to assist you as you prepare this orientation, ACSA has asked the law firm of Lozano Smith to develop an easy to use overview of the new law and common FAQs. If you have additional questions, please contact Laura Preston at lpreston(at) or your district’s legal counsel.

Download AB 119 Overview

Download AB 119 FAQ's

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Helpful Information Regarding Mandatory Employee Orientations