ACSA's Accountability and Continuous Improvement Task Force

The Task Force is comprised of school, district and county administrators with expertise in all aspects of the local, state and federal programs, as well as knowledge of each of the state’s performance indicators. A complete roster will be made available on ACSA’s website. The Task Force will be convened for meetings throughout 2017 and its purpose will be the following:
- Provide input to the State Board of Education on the ESSA State Plan.
- Provide input and guidance on the mandatory technical assistance and support/assistance to non-identified LEAs, and helping to inform the role of the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence in supporting and promoting continuous improvement.
- Provide guidance on messaging new accountability system to the field and stakeholders.
- Make recommendations for refining the new accountability system, including modifications to the state and local performance indicators.
- Make recommendations for an alternative accountability system.
- Make recommendations to align reporting requirements for the LCAP and LEA Plan.
- Consider changes to LCFF statute and other accountability related sections of Education Code.
- Solicit questions and clarifications as representatives from the field.