
Since the passage of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in June 2013, the new funding formula has transformed the way education funds are distributed to school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education. The new funding model has also been connected to many changes in California’s accountability system, with the cornerstone being the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the corresponding LCFF evaluation rubrics. Referred to as the “California Way,” the new system provides a more complete picture of what contributes to a positive educational experience for students by reporting performance on multiple measures across the LCFF priorities. It focuses on performance, equity and improvement and, at its core, relies on local education leaders and communities to design the structures and supports students need in order to close the achievement gap. The new accountability system will continue to evolve over time as school administrators and other key stakeholders help to inform state policy and practice.

We encourage you to visit this website frequently for the latest updates and pertinent information. We hope leaders and stakeholders will be able to use this page to stay informed, get access to resources, and pursue professional learning focused on the new accountability system and the notion that improvement will occur over time.

Contact ACSA
Martha Alvarez, ACSA Legislative Advocate | Policy and Implementation of the Accountability System & LCFF Issues
Adonai Mack, ACSA Sr. Director | Federal Issues

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