CDE Releases Preliminary Apportionments for College Readiness Block Grant

The 2016-17 state budget included a $200 million one-time Proposition 98 appropriation for grants to school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools serving high school students to provide additional services that support access and successful transition to higher education. On August 24th, the California Department of Education sent an email notification to eligible local educational agencies (LEAs) that the 2016-17 preliminary entitlements for the College Readiness Block Grant were available on their website. These funds can be spent over the next three years. Allocation of the funding will be based on the number of students in grades 9 through 12 in FY 2015-16 that are English learners, low income, or foster youth, with no school district or charter school receiving less than $75,000. The calculation is based on the preliminary rate of $149.32 per unduplicated pupil. As a condition of receipt of funds, LEAs are required to report to the CDE by January 1, 2017, on a web application to be prescribed, on how the LEA will measure the impact of College Readiness Block Grant funds received on the LEA’s unduplicated pupils’ access and successful matriculation to institutions of higher education, as identified within the LCAP. For details on your LEA’s preliminary funding amount, please visit: If you have any questions, please contact Martha Alvarez, ACSA Legislative Advocate, at malvarez(at)

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CDE Releases Preliminary Apportionments for College Readiness Block Grant