State Budget

ACSA works closely with members of the Assembly Budget Committee as well as the Senate Budget Committee each fiscal year to ensure the final budget package is workable for schools and the students they serve.

Governor Brown releases May Revise to the 2018-19 State Budget

Today, Governor Jerry Brown released the May Revision to the 2018-19 State Budget. Just like recent reports indicated the state’s revenues were above projections by several billion dollars, the May Revision reflects higher revenue estimates of $8 billion through 2018-19 compared to the January budget.

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CDE Releases Preliminary Apportionments for College Readiness Block Grant

The 2016-17 state budget included a $200 million one-time Proposition 98 appropriation for grants to school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools serving high school students to provide additional services that support access and successful transition to higher education. On August 24th, the California Department of Education sent an email notification...

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Federal Issues

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State Budget