California Week of the School Administrator
Sample Week of the School Administrator Resolution
WHEREAS, Leadership Matters for California’s public education system and the more than 6 million students it serves;
WHEREAS, School administrators are passionate, lifelong learners who believe in the value of quality public education, and
WHEREAS, The title “school administrator” is a broad term used to define many education leadership posts. Superintendents, assistant superintendents, principals, assistant principals, special education and adult education leaders, curriculum and assessment leaders, school business officials, classified educational leaders, and other school district employees are considered administrators; and
WHEREAS, providing quality service for student success is paramount for the profession; and
WHEREAS, Most school administrators began their careers as teachers. The average administrator has served in public education for more than a decade. Most of California’s superintendents have served in education for more than 20 years. Such experience is beneficial in their work to effectively and efficiently lead public education and improve student achievement; and
WHEREAS, Public schools operate with lean management systems. Across the nation, public schools employ fewer managers and supervisors than most public and private sector industries including transportation, food service, manufacturing, utilities, construction, publishing and public administration; and
WHEREAS, School leaders depend on a network of support from school communities – fellow administrators, teachers, parents, students, businesses, community members, board trustees, colleges and universities, community and faith-based organizations, elected officials and district and county staff and resources – to promote ongoing student achievement and school success; and
WHEREAS, Research shows great schools are led by great principals, and great districts are led by great superintendents. These site leaders are supported by extensive administrative networks throughout the state; and
WHEREAS, the State of California has declared the second full week of October as the “Week of the School Administrator” in Education Code 44015.1; and
WHEREAS, The future of California’s public education system depends upon the quality of its leadership; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, by the [SCHOOL DISTRICT] that all school leaders be commended for the contributions they make to successful student achievement.
2018 Week of the School Administrator:
Oct. 8-14, 2018