ACSA Board Officer Nominations

The nomination window has closed.

Vice President

The office of vice president is seen as key in helping set the direction of the association, as it is the direct route to the presidency.

Duties and responsibilities of the vice president include:

  • Attend all board meetings.
  • Know the association and the board president’s duties.
  • Be prepared to perform the board president’s duties when called upon.
  • Serve on the Executive Committee.
  • Chair the association’s Finance Committee.
  • Work closely as a consultant and advisor to the board president.
  • Develop rapport and a close working relationship with the executive director and board president.
  • Carry out special assignments from the board president.

The major responsibility of the Vice President is to serve in the place of the President-Elect or President during the President’s or President-Elect’s absence or to assume the office of President-Elect should it become vacant. To prepare for this role, he or she should serve on the executive committee, chair at least one important committee, and work closely with the executive director and board president. The vice president is an active player on the board leadership team and should encounter no real surprises if he or she assumes the duties of president.

Service on the Board of Directors or Delegate Assembly as region president or state chairperson is preferable. ACSA aims to present a slate of more than one candidate. The nominating committee will work to solicit a sufficient number of candidates to ensure a balanced slate.

Vice President for Legislative Action

To provide the Board relevant information on legislative and political issues, to facilitate board deliberation and decision on these issues and to serve as the Board’s liaison to the Legislative Action Committee.

Duties and responsibilities of the VPLA include:

  • Preside over meetings of the PAC Board of Directors.
  • Attend all board meetings.
  • Serve on the executive committee.
  • Know the Association and the duties of the board and executive committee.
  • Chair meetings of the region vice presidents for legislative action and serve as the liaison between them and the board.
  • Provide background information and recommendations to the board on candidate endorsements.
  • Develop rapport and a close working relationship with the Executive Director and the staff of the Governmental Relations Department,
  • Provide the Board with up-to-date information on legislative and political issues.

The vice president for legislative action’s main responsibility is to provide leadership to the board on matters involving legislative action and political activity.

To prepare for this role, he or she should have a history of active involvement in the association’s legislative activities and a history of involvement in, and a keen understanding of, political activities.

For more information, contact Suzanne Caffrey at scaffrey(at) or (800) 608-ACSA.

Nominations must be received no later than Friday, Sept. 7.

Suggested Nominee for ACSA State Office

Please review your nomination carefully for errors before hitting "submit," as you will not have another chance to preview your responses.

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Officer Nominations